red squirrel tales

By mmac

the return of the light...

The days are getting longer now. Less of the vampyres. Two episodes of true blood on the laptop in bed with the heating on does not make for a peaceful sleep.
Lunch with mum and nan. I see where i maybe get my willful independence. Whilst leaving the cafe the two went off in separate directions; the 83 who can't see disappeared into a shop and the younger one who's just had a hip replacement scarpered at great speed round a corner. I was left stranded not knowing which, if either needed me. After managing to corral them I then had to haul them both back from crossing between two parked keeps and shepherd them to a safe space questioning their green cross code.
Let's not even mention the co-op. I was nan's support crew, dad was Mums. We all made it out alive which i consider a resounding success.

It never fails to amaze me how rubbish us humans can be at communicating.
One misinterpreted word and it can take years to repair. Yet our ceaseless capacity to forgive compensates a little.

More snow I shout.

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