a wintry hip...

...shivering in cold and snowy conditions

yet looking beautiful in winter white - with its contrast of red orange, brown and the backdrop of pristine snow... a stark realization that fall is history and the depths of winter time are upon us for good...

true to the forecast... snow began to fall in the early evening hours yesterday... it continues now - having accumulated anywhere from 8 inches up depending on where you live in the city... you can tell from the bit that is on this rose hip - it's the very light, fluffy kind... the stuff that will fall gently through your hands - isn't worth much for snowball making and is fairly easy to clean off your car. however, it's very deceiving... for it can be extremely slick and icy - and the roads have been dangerous with many needing to be closed because cars can't make it up the steep hills. for me... i'm not stupid - remaining indoors, safe and sound is the place i stay - hunkered down... warm and cozy. making for...


happy day.....

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