No time to blip!

WOW what a busy collie I am. I've had no time to BLIP. Was getting a bit worried that midnight was approaching and I hadn't blipped?!

Had my usual walk this morning and then I had to sit in the car for almost 5 hours. I don't really like it in the car but Ann said we were going to Nuneaton to see her best friend, Caroline, and that would be fun?!

Arrived at Nuneaton at about 1.45pm and do you know what happened first? I got taken to the park for a nice walk. I love my owner, Ann. Whatever she's doing she always makes sure I'm OK first.

However by 3pm she was drinking champagne and eating chocolate cake and by 4.30pm she was in the hot tub - still drinking champagne?!!

By 7pm she said she'd had enough alcohol and went out for a yummy meal. I stayed in the house and Caroline's children looked after me. And when Ann got back she gave me a little bit of steak. Scrummy yummy - I've had a good day.

For those of you who saw my BLIP yesterday you'll know that I am giving all you BLIPPERS a reminder of the BLIP MEET that I'm trying to organise.

I am Molly the Gorgeous Collie and I am trying to organise an




For those of you who don't like walking there's a car park next to the Observatory - the top of the hill is only a short stroll away.

We're not planning any big major event - would just like to get as many BLIPPERS as possible together to take a few photos, though obviously if anyone wants to continue on our walk with us you'd be more than welcome.

Please just turn up (with your friends, families & pets) or BLIP or email me at for more details.

Look forward to seeing you.
Molly Collie xxx

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