michigan man

By outdoorguy

It's a Deer!! It's 2 Deer!!

I rarely get to see deer. I know there are a lot of them in my area, but they must be good at hiding. Maybe after the bow season is over...they'll come out more.

These 2 are frozen in time. They are in a yard close to the hospital where I wheel my doctor. I saw them...was a little early...did a quick u-turn...and snapped a few pictures. They posed nicely. I'm glad they wren't the type that raise and lower their heads. I would have hated to sneak up on them and put the "sleeper" hold on them so they would quit moving.

I hate to be a Christmas light critic...butttt...what's the deal with the "trailer" hanging down from the lights of the cross? I appreciate that he put up the cross, but...if your'e going to take the time to put it up...tuck up the extra that is hanging from the bottom of it. It ruins the effect for me, and he wouldn't get my vote for the Lights of the Township contest.

Spent the afternoon cooking. White chocolate peanut butter cookies...Chex mix...and scallopped potatoes and pork chops for supper. Using the oven is the only way the heat goes up in my house. I am the Heat Miser, and refuse to put the thermostat past 60. BRRRR!!

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