Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

No parking

Okay so i have a few back blips to put on. And some comments to catch up with and i also have 2 major rants to have.

The first being this.

I have two cars. One i park on he road the other i park on the grass opposite my house. I have parked it here for 5 years. However apparently it is illegally parked. Some jumped up prick decided that he was going to knock on all the doors down our street trying to find out who's car it was. However i don't think he was expecting the firey Mrs Mysterious.

P for prick "Is that your car madam?"
Mm "Whats it got to do with you?"
P "It can't be parked on the grass"
Mm "There's no signs"
P "It's ruining the grass"
Mm "Is it your grass?"
P "No i work for Boston Mayflower but i act on behalf of the highways who's grass it is"
Mm "So you're responsable for the idiots who cut the grass and cover my other car in cuttings then are you?"
P "Erm well not exactly....."
Mm "What are you writing down?
P "A note to put on the car"
Mm "If you touch that car i will call the police and have you charged with criminal damage. If you want it moving i suggest you dig deep into that budget of yours and put up some signs...Merry Christmas."

I mean what sort of jobsworth prick drives around looking for cars parked on the grass 4 days before christmas. He is obviously what i like to call "A Special"

In other news, please please please go and download Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana and get it to the UK's Xmas number 1.

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