Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Raindrops keep falling ....!

Thanks everyone for all your encouraging words, stars and hearts for my 300th blip. I promise to get back to you all as soon as I can.

A dreich day today , no outside blips which was just as well as I was very busy inside. The first of our family arrive tomorrow with the rest arriving on Saturday. So I was busy getting the rooms ready for everyone. Not to mention finishing wrapping all the presents. Wrapped the last one 5 minutes ago.

Even filled the stockings with all the bits and pieces including the must have bubbles and chocolate coins , - these are for 40 somethings and 30 somethings including our son - in- law. I think there would be a major outcry if we didn't have stockings for them. WE always have such a laugh watching these so called grown ups acting like big childen as the go through their stockings on Christmas morning. This is before they tackle the big gifts.

Thought I was going to get a break from knitting but got word today of another new baby. A bit scary this time as the granny is our daughter's best friend from school and we've known her since she was about 6 years old , now she's a granny! Where did time go?

I may manage another blip tomorrow before everyone arrives but will probably be back blipping when they all go home on the 28th. So have a very happy Christmas everyone.Hope all is well with you and yours.

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