With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Happy Christmas

Cheers! I caught a star for you all in a glass of some German bubbly, a present from a student's parents. Lovely!

Hopefully this time tomorrow we will be with Mrs Pepperpot, AKHF and mv doing much the same thing. I am celebrating the idea that I've got everything sorted for our journey tomorrow, and if I haven't, oh well, it'll be arranged somehow.

The boys have helped me (sort of) and the cat has tried to hide in the bags as I packed them and the beds as I changed them. He's sulking now, as he's knows somethings a paw.

Geoff called round with a lovely present for me in anticipation of the activity in my cellar. All will be revealed in the New Year.

Meanwhile, if I'm not around for a while, be assured I will be taking photographs and catch up when I can. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Peaceful New Year everyone!

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