More Than Words



This is no. 1 child who has just turned 11. Alex is a delight at the moment-happy at school, happy at home and interested in everything. He's a great reader and his general knowledge is threatening to better my
own. He has just been made school captain and the picture is taken of him with his proud parents. What was so lovely is that the whole school cheered when his name was announced; he just seems to have such a natural way with adults and children alike. So many people came up to to tell me how lovely he is. Must take after his mother!!!!!!! A nice interlude between dreadful bouts of behavior from Liam. There is only a few minutes a day I can call my own, but then that's the case for most people the world over so stop feeling sorry for yourself Rebecca!! Another lovely thing happened today: a 32 year old woman gave me a box of chocolates. She has metastatic breast cancer and I'm looking after her pain. I nearly cried as her worries are so much greater than my own.

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