Blue arsed bee

Excuse the expression. I have never seen this kind of bees (I presume) before. They were very fast and made a funny noise once in the flower. I spent ages around the purple flower bush trying to snap one. This is the sharpest I managed. They seemed a bit shy and were flying away from me. I suppose I would be a bit careful if a giant with something black in hand was stoking me.

Heat was turned up a bit today, however we ventured out and braved the element. A visit to the Central Market was necessary, so I could purchase not so weird in Poland, but quite rare in our supermarket, celeriac. And other veggies as well, beetroot of course will feature as a clear barszcz. I will cheat a bit too. Tomorrow we are going to Mama's Pierogi shop to stock up on pierogi of course.There is no way I would make my own, no matter how easy it is. It might be easy, but I would spend the whole day doing it. I'd rather go to the beach instead. Enough about Polish food now, I will report about it once it is all done and eaten.

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