
By Juli

The Mistletree.

I was quite surprised to hear that the Sussex Wildlife Trust were warning of an impending mistletoe shortage. The trees in the lane opposite my house are full of the stuff - this shot shows only a few of what must be thousands of bunches along there.

I parked at the entrance to someone's drive to quickly take this and, would you believe it, the owner arrived at that very moment! Although I wasn't in the way, turns out she initially thought I was a burglar (a house nearby had been 'done' last night) but she was very nice and we had a great chat about the mistletoe issue, I told her about Blipfoto and might have implied I was a botanist {ahem} in a vain attempt not to look too weird. :-DDD

Anyway, thank you for all your comments yesterday - did make me feel a lot better! Just end-of-year blues, I think. Not sure if the first day of Winter is officially today or tomorrow but the days should start drawing out now, thank goodness.

EDIT: I've just noticed that my last year's blip was mistletoe! Pure coincidence, promise!

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