Focus Pocus

By FocusPocus

It's a Lane not a Laine!

No excuse for bad use of Anglo Saxon! Despite many attempts to conceal the 'i' in Laine it keeps being repainted even though it's incorrect.

The Lane may be in North Laine but it is not a Laine!

Back in the early 80's the developers of 2 properties in Bond Street, factored in a small passageway to give the public access to a car park behind the development. As Bond Street is in the Brighton area of North Laine (spelt with an 'i') they named the passageway "Bond Street Laine". The Borough Engineer endorsed the name and so it has been ever since. WRONG!

More info and to sign a petition to have horrendous misuse of Anglo-Saxn corrected you check out an online petition here.

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