Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Mmm, cake

What do you do on a girls day? Bake of course, amongst other things. Cakes were made this morning between dropping Will with T (he slept until 08.10 today, a record) and going to see Carys's friend Grace.

The main bit of the morning was spent catching up with Grace and her Mum and sister. Then a mad dash around Sainsbury's. I was looking for the ginger bread that you decorate yourself for the tree. I have definately ran out of time to make them. No luck on that but I now have next years Christmas cards and wrapping paper! New slippers to replace the oes that got left (along with my walking boots) in Whitley Bay so I could get Santa's stuff in the suitcase, three new hairbands for Carys (that she really didn't need) and a new jumper for William for the massive price of £2.50!

To school to pick up a new copy of the reception play. Only informed them that mine was corrupted yesterday. How impressive is that? Then back to ice the cakes. Carys is now colouring thank you cards, in anticipation of Father Christmas thinking she has been a good girl and in 10mins we'll go get William from T's. Thought I'd get this done early today as have a few jobs to do this evening.

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