Let There Be Light

By solli

Harry Hides

Harry hides here

I had an excellent day. I spotted Harry this morning on my way to do some Christmas shopping, but when he saw me he glided to an old spuce tree that was anchored in the middle of the pond. He thought I couldn't see him but little did he know! He was just as cute as could be, tucked up and peering out from behind the branches.

After a short spell, he decided to be more social so he turned himself around and began to stretch as he gracefully made his way to hang with the ducks.

I finished my Christmas shopping in a good mood and on the way home I happened to see him roosting on a log in the woods of Nomahegan. I made an illegal U-turn, parked the car and ran to shoot him. As luck would have it, the sweetest little red bellied woodpecker showed up to look for bugs. I watched him swing upside down in the tree vines as if he were swinging in a hammock. He apparently enjoyed this play because he did it over and over again. It was fabulous. Harry remained one footed on his tree limb and completely ignored me.

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