A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

A wee hold up.

There we were heading for the metropolis of the Highlands, Inverness, when upon reaching the pass at Glen Sheil we were held up briefly. The road surface was being re-layed and the contractors had a convoy system in operation.

On the road traffic report this morning there were warnings of black ice upon some of the roads and of high winds upon the bridge to Skye. Well, I encountered absolutely no black ice and there was almost a flat calm at the Skye bridge.

We motorists rely upon accurate reports of travel conditions yet here we have a sample of the authorities covering their backsdes. Both subjects were plainly inaccurate. Is anyone in future going to heed the reports given out upon the radio?

Oh, there was snow on the hills but I have made that 120 mile journey in far worse condsitions in the past. I have driven through Glen Sheil when it was snowing practically a blizzard and there was at least four inches on the road.

Most people will take precautions and be prepared for the worst. I take a snow shovel, stove, kettle, coffee and tea. I take wellington boots, torches and warm clothing. I also take a special reflective board. However today it was unnecessary.

We got to Inverness and did our shopping. We trudged around the shops both in the town and on the outskirts. We had coffee and a cake upon our arrival and coffee and a panini before departing. I filled the van up with fuel because it costs 10p per litre less in Inverness than that which I pay here.

We returned in the dark and generally the temperature was about one degree warmer than the morning so it didn't drop below freezing during the retun journey.

It is funny really because Chris Tarrant on the radio was giving out all these warnings about the treacherous conditions in Scotland and then went on to say that the temperature at the BBC was minus three degrees. So it was colder where he was.

Oh well, we're home again safe and sound, we've had a curry and several cups of tea. I have dozed in front of the stove, watched the final episode of the Young James Herriot. I shall complete this and retire to bed. I wish you all a very good night. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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