michigan man

By outdoorguy

B and C and T and A

Almost every day for the last 2 weeks...these 4 ducks have been in the same little pond. I know what you're thinking. "How do you know it's the same 4 ducks?" My answer is short and sweet. "I... just... do."

I have given them the names Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice...from the characters in the 1969 movie. I don't remember if the movie was any good or not, but I remember it being very controversial. Bending the rules of marriage. I also remember Dyan Cannon and Natalie Wood being hot, and the guys being forgettable (Robert Culp and Elliot Gould.) I can't believe they are reopening the death of Natalie after 30 years.

I'm not saying these ducks fit the mold of the movie. The 2 couples seem to get along very well. Haven't seen a single squabble yet. I do break one of the cardinal rules of bird photography. NEVER GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO DISTURB YOUR SUBJECT!!! I take a few photos, and then try to get closer and closer. Then...as if on a duckie command...the four leave this pond and fly 50 yards to the west...to another pond. That gives me the chance to get some shots in flight, one of which I blipped recently. Please don't tell anyone I pull that trick.

I had a dentist appointment this afternoon. I'm getting better, but I still don't like going. Plus...today... Doctor Glenn had the Christmas music going. A double whammy of assaulting the senses. OH...MY MOUTH...OH... MY EARS!!! I complained, but he just told me to stay away from the 2 weeks before Christmas.

At least my x-rays looked good. 3 appointments in a row with no work to be done. YAHOO!! The nightly flossing and the electric toothbrush seem to be working.

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