Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Happy Birthday Goose

Today is Mr G's birthday - he has been on this earth 36 whole years now :)

I had to wake him at 630am to open his presents as I had to catch the 7am train to London this morning. I actually tried to make him open them last night but he was having none of it - I adore giving presents so I think I was more excitable than him! He loved all his presents and has been spoilt rotten, naturally...he deserves it.....he's a good egg :)

You will see from the title that his nick name is Goose - apparently there was a famous baseball player called Goose Gossage (he found that when he googled his name!!!). SO he is Goose and I am Pigeon :)

We are off out again for dinner in an hour so once again I find myself saying I will catch up with you all later. We are out with some of Simon's friends tonight for a meal - it is our annual Christmas/birthday get together and we usually have a good old giggle. I cannot believe we have eaten out every night since Friday - I kind of can't wait to cook dinner tomorrow night.

Tomorrow I am on a Spa day with some girls from work in Warwickshire somewhere. The hangover can be soothed away by a massage, facial and pedicure - cannot wait :)

Hope y'all are feeling positively festive, catch y'all laters x x

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