
2years 60days

A very proud mummy day today!! My gorgeous baby girl, and her Monkey, had their first Christmas play at nursery.

She was really pleased when she saw her pretty Christmas dress out to wear and got dressed as soon as she got up. I had started making her elf slippers last night, but she woke up so they were nowhere near finished, so this morning I was cracking on with them. Shew as extremely excited about them. She walked about with one on for ages while I finished the other one. I explained that she was going to go sing her Christmas songs, and she said "see Maike" - one of the staff. She was a bit unamused when she clicked that meant nursery but did really well.

I took her into the usual room, and left her, going into the nextdoor room to wait so they could get ready. When all the parents went in, the children were sat at the front all together, from teeny babies up to the eldest preschool children. I'd been told it is chaos normally, all the chidren sobbing and the nursery staff frantically calming them but trying to sing too. It was nothing like that. Some of the children cried, but not that many. Katie didnt really sing, which was a little sad as she has sung every song to me almost word perfect, but stood taking it all in with Monkey. She sat on the knee of one of the staff. When she saw me, she did so well! She didnt cry, she gave me a huge grin, waved and carried on. I was very proud of her!

We've had a lovely "at home" afternoon, following a quick supermarket dash for cakedecorating supplies. We've done lots of "making" - we've started the decorating of the Christmas cake, which entailed Katie painting it red, then Mummy spraying gold shimmer next, so that's drying now (waiting for its icing decorations later). We have made paper chains for the lounge, done mass production of glittery, messy fabulous toddler cards for family, and a little decoration for the tree. Lots of fun.

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