
By karenjulia

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do...

Today's blipday of 1 year, 365 consecutive blips is rather overshadowed by Dave's hospitalisation yesterday, waiting to know what exactly happened and wondering when he can come home. Thanks to all the wishes yesterday. Much appreciated and a wonderful example of the blip community spirit and the friendships that develop inside it. He is well and in the right place for diagnosis, care and treatment. But I miss him.

Blip - a chance for reflection
We all have a insight into the lives of others all over the world through this community, a unique and amazing experience.

I want to celebrate my year of blipping because it has been such a challenging year. I didn't know when I started how much of a touchstone and support the community and routine would be in the year that would happen - but I am grateful for it. Thank you hpx for introducing me to this wonderful world.

We moved house in January. After 11 years in one place, this was a major effort!

On 22 Feb the lives of Christchurch were shattered by the February quake . It was technically an aftershock of a bigger one in September but the ramifications for most were huge. My work life continued but in a variety of settings and circumstances e.g.
the caravan, "office in a suitcase" and my work fashion changes were blipped too!

I continued my Masters which was difficult at times. One assignment was pretty much researched and written under the dining room table as Christchurch continued to rock n roll after Feb.

Kariba moved to Wellington, the last our four to fly the nest but welcomed her home in the holidays as well as travelling to Wellington to see her from time to time.

Mum's time in hospital was also a low point of the year but to finally see her get her operation and continue to recover is great. My sprained ankle provided me with the experience of learning what it is like to be reliant on others - thank goodness for friends - ljw82!.

- My first blip
- We had a great Xmas 2010 with my EGGS photo giving me a taste of what it is like to have lots of people look at your photo and say nice things!
- I took some great flower photos and excellent food!
- I have also blipped Maggie quite a lot!
- I've worked with some great people.
- I enjoyed my first blipmeet.
- I have a wonderful loving family - I treasure you guys.

- I survived! Thanks Blippers. Once Dave is home, I shall celebrate properly.

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