...I heard Santa on the radio.....

Hilary Duff.

Christmas quiz tonight.

We didn't win....but.....I won first prize in the raffle.!

This smart , black DAB radio.

Actually, my ticket was the third one drawn out...but this had been left by the first two prizewinners who had gone for the bottle of whisky and the bottle of brandy. I don't think they knew what a DAB is.

Strangely enough three years ago the first prize was a SATnav, my ticket was the 7th one drawn, but the Satnav was still there so I grabbed it. I already had one but it made a brilliant Christmas present for the Son and Heir....I mean where else can you get a SAtnav or a DAB for 20 pence?

So three down...birthday party, lunch and quiz and three to....... go curry tomorrow, staff do on Wednesday .....and I booked us all for a family dinner in the local on Friday evening! I'm getting my second wind....now if only I can find something for Thursday evening that will be a full week of "do's"...haven't managed that since I was in my thirties!

The Boss nabbed the DAB as soon as I got home......"Ooh, that'll do nicely in the kitchen!" Ah well, easy come, easy go!

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