Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain

No - don't actually. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!

It rained today. It rained and rained and rained and rained and rained.

Rained is a funny word if you write it often enough. In fact, any word is odd if you write it often enough. You can make absolutely any word seem funny.
Let's face it they're all just a bunch of sounds and shapes bunged together twisted out of recognition by years of history, pronunciation and foreign influence. And with fairly loose, inconsistent rules, quite often. Like the word 'Lily' - how annoying that it only has one L (well, 2.... but only one in the middle) . It's supposed to rhyme with silly, billy, hilly, Jilly, Milly, chilly and yet it's spelt as if it's 'Lie-lee' . When I'm emperor I'm changing it to Lilly.

We've had enough in North Devon, thank you very much. Can we have some dry weather now please?
I went outside earlier and got blasted by cold, wet windy yuckiness that made my hair stick to my face. Eeee-yeurgh.
I thought I would take a photo of raindrops hanging from the Christmas lights that I forced Richard to hang around the front door (bless him) for a blip to look back on next year but when I came inside and had a look it was out-of-focus.

Then I had this marvellous idea to photograph a reflection in a puddle. But it had gone dark - and Gemma's new boyfriend was making his first ever visit to check out the parents, and I felt like it was too soon to introduce him to my weird crouching in the dark and rain stuff. So I ran outside, snapped this and ran inside clearing my throat innocently as if I was just an ordinary mum.

So this is it.

With reflection of lights and front door.


And wet

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