No Static

By nostatic


A practical start to the day was brightened up with a stroll through Stockbridge and then across to the Cuckoo Bakery on Dundas St for the best cupcakes on the planet. I tucked into a Red Velvet Cheesecake and Tracey had a Christmas Pudding, Arlo contented himself with an attempt to eat the Rooibos tea leaves.

Arlo is struggling with some of his bigger teeth coming through and has so far spared us any night time emergencies, but his mood is definitely a bit grizzlier. He's a tough wee cookie though, that's for sure.

Can't remember any music from the day, there must have been some, but going via a tenuous cuckoo link I'm minded to give you some B&S with added festive theming, just to up the tweeness so that it's close to unbearable.

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