Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

The Mighty Uke and a friend-filled day

The Mighty Uke is a title of a film me, Neil and Mary watched about the revival of interest in the uke - amazing how the uke can sound in the hands of a true maestro. Lovely, fun afternoon with just a small amount of mulled wine but lots of chocolate, cake and spicy biscuits. I think our uke playing and singing must have been a bit loud as the people in the downstairs flat reciprocated with a bit of rather good guitar playing. Our chum Zoe, being uke-less for the afternoon, was our lead singer for this particular session.

Home by 6pm to find Rol had cooked a lovely winter stew for us to enjoy with another friend, Emma, who came round for supper. Again, not much alcohol consumed but much reflecting on the last couple of years and musing on what 2012 may bring. We all really wish that it will be better for everyone but to be realistic I think it will be 'different'.

Although I don't have any blood relatives left I am really thankful for my lovely husband, arsey cats and friends.

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