One of five a day

By KiloRomeo

Looking for that Christmas Spirit

I know it is there somewhere, but where is it?

The Princes Garden Fair looks lovely. There is even an Ice Skating rink below

Before I was asked to leave, because the fair was closing, I tried to find that spirit in lovely decorative lighting But not sure it is there either.

Having seen caffeinated's blip, I went stalking the luxury yatch, Amaryllis, but there was no way of getting a better angle on it. Maybe tomorrow then, as I continue to hunt down that evasive spirit of Christmas.

Perhaps, it has something to do with with the fact that I have a kitchen upgrade to pull off over the next two weeks ...and the house is a right mess. If I am back blipping, not blipping or not coming around to see you all regularly, that's what it will be due to. But I am here all the same. There are two bedrooms to do after that and if I am lucky, a bathroom too.

Not impressed? Gosh, you lot are hard :)

PS. You want spirit? Here is spirit Nothing to do with lights or decorations. It comes from within, even when there is nothing around but devastation.

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