Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Halfland Barns Wood

Out in the woods again while Luke went driving.
A fantastic day and although it was colder than yesterday luckily I didn't feel it seeping so deeply in to my bones today.

Technology is so beyond me.
In the physical world I can grapple with things and they are either comprehensible, or not.
But in the world that lies hidden behind man-made gadgets the technology is always way beyond my comprehension.
I have, after all this time on blipfoto, just grasped a bookmark method where I don't have to change the bookmarks each time I look at someones blip. That was all in the blip address link (thanks Luke) and I diligently went through my entire bookmark list and re-entered each blipper I keep there.
Now, my iPod touch needed charging and so I connected it to my computer. Now I see that all my work on the bookmarks has been eliminated and it has reverted to the originals.
What sense does it make. Help! I want to be in charge!!

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