False Idols

My blip on Wednesday made reference to Alban being asked to worship the False Idols of the Romans, for which his refusal resulted in his death.

This photo was taken while walking the dog , it was a perfect, bright, crisp afternoon, as I headed west. This is the view to the south, of the town centre some 2 miles hence, tucked away in the valley. (The photo foreshortens the distance.)
The drone of the cars heading out of town could be heard as they crawled nose to tail, loaded with shoppers returning from a final trip to the Mall that is their God.
(The building with the double triangular shaped roof, is the shopping mall. )

In the opposite direction I could see the tower of the village church, the sound of the bells rose up the valley over the sound of the cars, heralding the start of the carol service and the begining of Christmas week.

I stood alone, between the two contemplating my own slant on Christmas, no trips to the mall as I prefer to make gifts or buy from independent sources, but there will be a visit to Church on Christmas morning.

By the time I got back it was dark, the lights on the outside of my cottage twinkling and guiding me home. The Christmas tree is up, and the lights on.

I am truly grateful that I have some family and friends to share this time with, and roof over my head.

And a couple of parties to go to!!!

The season's greetings to you all. x x

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