Let There Be Light

By solli

Sunday Morning Breakfast

"Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith..."

Bearing those words in mind, I went off in search of God's peaceful kingdom where the hawk keeps company with the heron. I spotted a blue-black and white woodpecker who gamed me by flying back and forth along the creek before he completely eluded me. I was able to get one distant blurry shot which vaguely identified it, before I drove away completely frustrated.

I found my heron stalking something in the middle of the lake. By the time I set up, the hawk had lit on a tree next to the heron, and big blue was moving slowly to the shoreline with his breakfast. It was something to see him maneuver the trout in his beak until it was aligned to slide down his gullet. Once he swallowed the fish, he chased it down with a few drinks of lake water then settled in to digest.

After giving thanks to the universe, I went home to have my breakfast.

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