Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

Jingle Bells

It's been over a week since my last blip so let's catch up.
This week was my last chance to get sorted for Christmas so the plan was Monday finish the present shopping and wrap, Tues food shop. Well those plans went right out the window when Christopher refused to go to school on both days, I forgot Rach's nativity was on Monday afternoon so my dad had to take the afternoon off work so i could go and watch it. By Tues night I was very stressed wondering when I was going to get sorted. Wed Tony went into work late so he could see Christopher onto his bus and I went to work to do our nativity, wed afternoon I had a bit of me time and went for a facial and massage, oh boy did I need that, thurs worked and we had our staff party Thurs night. Friday Tony was off so we did the food shop got some more presents and then went to Rachael's open afternoon at school.
Out on Sat night for a meal with friends and Today we have been to Cheshire Oaks for Rach to do Carol singing with WAPA. Went to Grotto to see Santa and Chilled this afternoon, only one problem, when I stop and sit down I struggle to stay awake. :-D

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