On reflection!

I'm depressed!
For the past few days and hours I have been trying to put together a funding proposal. In one of my more lucid moments, I asked my friend if she would look over it and amend whatever. Well today I saw her amended version . Thats why I'm depressed! Where my words and sentences are a cobbling together of all that is mundane and un apetising, her version is a joy to read. Her words are like a finley tuned and tightly scripted piece of music; flowing and informative. They make my attempt look long winded and lethargic and similar to those of a primary school pupil. I know I come from a long line of dyslexics and my three kids have various ranges of dyslexia but that is still no excuse for my inablility to write in a manner that is elequent and informative!
As my eldest daughter often tells me when she looks over my translations, "mum you write as you speak"
My inability to write in a coherent manner does'nt extend to my verbal skills. I am a reasonably good communicator and a good public (almost dropped the l from that word!) speaker well able to explain things in a humerous informative way so why the Hell can I not transpose that onto paper? The sooner they allow folks to make recorded applications rather than using paper the better if you ask me!
Above picture of doggies staring into the well of wisdom as usual.
Have a good Sunday all

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