
Wow, I can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted a blip. That has gone so fast.

Work is getting busy now with all the scientists trying to get their papers finished before the end of the year so it looks like I'll be working through Christmas again. Although, Christmas doesn't really come to Japan so I won't be missing much.

I also spent last week running round trying to some photos together for a exhibition I'm taking part in at a local bar with two other photographers. After sifting through far too many photos I settled on eight main photos , the majority of which I haven't used as blips, and a little book of 20 of my favorite blips. Yesterday was the opening party, which was fun, and it's nice to see some of my stuff actually printed out and used rather than just sitting on my hard drive.

Right, now to get these back-blips sorted and uploaded!

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