Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Portal of Power

This is from the new game Skylanders - its the portal of power and trigger happy.

You put your little figure on it and it appears in the game and as you are playing you can switch your characters to complete different actions.

Now the really clever part is that as your character levels up all this information is stored on a chip inside the character so you can take your little guys over to your friends and join in on their game. Even better its totally multi platform - so it doesn't matter what console your friends have the game on you can still play.

There are additional characters to collect and expansion sets so really excited about this game and the possibilities - that and its really fun to play and its something different from my usual games (hack and slash and big guns killing aliens - I dont do 'girls' games).

Now walking round the supermarket yesterday morning with the box under my arm did piss a few parents off as all the kids zoomed in on it and were then pestering parents that they wanted the game, so all I could hear was 'NO'

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