The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


After yesterdays blip I knew they had enough, but they didn't need to throw it that hard.

When Trabroun bent my ear and cajoled me, to join blip, I didn't have a clue it would become such a part of my life. She is right, everywhere I go I no longer just look, I see!

Admittedly I cannot say that I am anywhere near the dizzy heights of some of the contributors on blip and the joys of Photoshop are mostly alien to me,
but it is making me take pictures everyday and giving me a new focus,(no pun intended). Having been off work for months, I have watched and tried
to learn more about this art form. I hope you will bear with me on my journey.

I suppose I have decided I will contribute as I would, to a Global Diary. I find it facinating to read about people's daily adventures through life.
The good and bad that they endure, work and play, children and animals, flowers and sunsets, keyboards and eyes, but mostly the beauty of our world
and its peoples.

To hear people supporting their friends and total strangers alike, restores faith in the humanity of the world population. Blip truely is a wonderful

For all of this we all need to thank Joe, for letting us share his blog and for all the Blipettes inside blip central for making dreams come true, well at least a red balloon!

Thanks to all who take time to comment and share part of themselves with the world of Blip.


First image was suspended due to being coloured red and the 100 on the ball.

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