Railbridge December Sunset

We popped over to Dundee today to get some bits and bobs. Boy was it damp and cold. We didn't hang about too long. My back is killing me as I took a wee tumble on the ice yesterday morning (landing on my camera and the very expensive bottle of wine in my rucksack - ouchie) and Jake is still a bit peaky so it probably was not the best day for us to be out.

We did, briefly, meet Peopletwitcher WAITING FOR A BUS in a queue and everything. I was a tad perturbed by the sight!

However, we got mostly everything we needed before heading back just as the sun was setting

Time to settle down with that cava and prepare for the final of Strictly :(

Oh and if you have a mo, can you pop over to see Mr Lif - he is back in the blipfold and today is his 200th. Hurrah :)

Have a fab Saturday blippers x

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