Rodents rule

By squirk


It's late afternoon and Whisky has come to visit to make it known that he's absolutely starving.

A day of snow showers and staying in. The snow didn't have a chance of lying - too wet. So, I wasn't at all sure if I wanted to go out tonight. Friends had invited me to a pub in west London that was a bit out of the way and at least an hour's journey. However, I know what it's like to organize something and not have folk turn up when they said they would so I forced myself into the cold and wet, and on to a bus, then the tube. I had a really good night and it was great to catch up. There was a bit of a drama when a pub fight broke out - a nasty one with glasses being thrown and smashing (nowhere near us, but directed at the poor bar staff). The police were round in a jiffy and all was OK again. Apparently the fighters had drunk copious tequila shots on the run up to the brawl. That's tequila for you - nasty stuff. Luckily, no one was hurt. The bar staff were amazing.

I have one more Christmas get-together before heading up to Inverness and it's on Monday. I've been really good to myself this year by having one alcoholic drink and then just soft drinks. I just can't handle having a hangover and losing valuable thinking time.

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