Mike's area

By mikeprice

Attack by Ice Ponies!

Went up to the mountains after getting jealous of good snow scenes from Scotland and Cumbria today. I got several shots of mist (!) and then found these ponies on the road in front of a snowy mountain scene.

The angles wern't good (bum to me against a boring wall!!) I asked then to move over to the right - I really did, I must get out more - but instead they started an attack manover - notice the one on the right performing a classic flanking strategy so he can close my car door before I got there.

Fortunatly I was too good for them and dashed back to the car before they could co-ordinate properly. Quickly I shut the door! One of then pretended to think about climbing onto the bonnet (it was a good shot but I had dropped the camera on teh floor as I scrambled in!) but then he backed off, impressed by my higher intelligence (or possibly giving up on the possiibilty of a quick apple).

I suppose it is possible that I have an over active imagination?????

Anyway - this is the third time I have blipped this - it keeps loosing them - damned mobile broadband!!

I am always wary of horses and cows - horses have steel clad hoofs and cows have horns ( but then so has my car) and both can out run me. Sheep I can cope with - dogs are fine.

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