Capital adventures

By marchmont

Vendredi, c'est bon

Ok so another full on day - awake before 7 and ordered the booze for Christmas. Spent the morning and early afternoon doing 'stuff'. T came, unexpectedly this a.m. to finish painting #3 son's bedroom window.

Spent some time sorting the bedroom and I found the pewter that #1 son brought back for ma as a gift from KL last year - never knew where he put it! Isn't it lovely to find things that you thought you'd lost.

While I was out I think the Christmas cards arrived, but they only got as far as the DO. I bought some more from Shelter.

The scaffolding is down at the back - I never noticed!

Out tonight to 'Spoon' for the Christmas blipmeet - here are Dotty, Allan, and Shandonner. We're a bit mad, but in a lovely supportive way.

Tomorrow - don't ask. Thanks for the hugs Allan.

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