Slowly but exceedingly surely a plan is coming tog

Day 3 of a use em or lose em holiday found us pottering around doing all sorts of things. I even managed to get some of that rare stuff called relaxation in in the shape of an hour long bath. Should some eccentric millionaire happen to be reading this and is feeling really generous to the world in general and this man in particular, then it is worth noting that in winter my idea of luxury is probably a bath involving falling asleep, a glass of whisky and my back being warmed up by a fire. I can and sometimes do arrange this from time to time but said eccentric millionaire could arrange this to be a weekly rendez vous.

We went to the German market this evening, everone got something they wanted and I got several funny looks parading after the number one son who was in cuddly ewok mode.

I have just realised we were there this time last year, except it was unbelievably cold -2°, nothing like the rather mild

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