Red Squirrel


Clam Chowder Anyone?

Well, can't believe my luck today! I left my Friday morning school with 4 Christmas cards (2 of them from children there, which I thought really touching), and arrived back at County Hall with the weather not at all nice. It was cold, with persistent rain and some slushy snow mixed in, and windy. But I needed to cut some holly for a Christmas 'do' on Sunday evening. I have a yukky cold, so wrapped up well and took a walk into Bracondale Wood, with my camera in my pocket too - I really never expected to find a blip but you never know about these things! And lo and behold I noticed these rather intriguing brackets on a rotten stump. They remind me of clams - though I don't think somehow I'd really want to try making Chowder from them! I had a blip, woohoo.
Then, when I arrived home and checked my post-box - a total surprise. Not only had a Yuletide present arrived from a FB pal - one which I knew would be here soon, and already knew what it was - but also a totally unexpected package from a dear friend. Inside was a gorgeous Christmas card, and 2 beautifully wrapped presents - with instructions NOT to open until December 25th. That totally blew me away as I'd never expected such a thing (she's a blipper too, and she knows who she is! xxx).
So far it's been a really good day (apart from this wretched cold, but better this week than next I guess!). I just hope the rest of the day is the same.
Have a great Friday folks!

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