Trial and Error

By DawnC

I can resist everything except...

The patients at work often bring in naughty treats for the staff but, fortunately, they are put on a shelf in the Reception office for people to help themselves when the fancy takes them. I say 'fortunately' because I don't work in Reception and I am therefore protected from the daily temptations. This morning, however, I arrived in my office to find a little selection of chocolates which some kind colleague must have put in there. At 9am there were seven chocolates; at 9.30am there were five.....and at 5pm there were five! I must be developing some willpower.

In other news, I walked the dogs in a blizzard this morning and then drove to work in it but by mid morning the sun was out and there was no sign of any snow whatsoever. Was that it then?

PS - My previous university is about to close its Centre for Community Engagement - please sign this petition if, like me, you think it is a very bad idea for educational institutions to turn their backs on their local communities. We can all see financial arguments for things but sometimes you need to stand back and see the bigger picture before it's too late.

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