Amateur's confessions

By S79

Happy Friday!

At last!

Portrait of Vello, our basset. He is 6, male, loves food, good company, nice and cozy resting places and would probably enjoy a beer once in a while and a nice cigar, if he walked on two feet.
He prefers not be used for horseback riding.
Is able to reach high places- you wouldn't expect that, would you? Well, he knows that and that is why I have found him on the kitchen table, with all four feet, eating leftovers.
He has eaten 1kg of birthday cake in 2 minutes.
He hates to be alone and neighbours know that- you cannot miss that good old howl, which makes your blood run cold.
If burglars would brake in, they would find themselves in big trouble! Vello would sit on their lap in all his 30 kg glory and probably lick them. A lot.
Vello has his special mark which you can spot everywhere a basset has been- nice drool spaghettis on the floor, on the walls, furniture. And when my husband walks him in the morning wearing his business suit, then you can bet, that at the end of the day he discovers the traces of drool decorating his behind...
Can't live with him or without him.

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