Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Broken Lightbulb at 17:27

We woke up to snow, but by the end of the day it had reverted to slush and rain.

So I'm back in front of the Town Hall on my way home, catching the light show. At the time I didn't notice that one of the bulbs had gone, but its absence brings a nice imbalance to the picture. Last week the light on the clock had gone, and we went three days without an illuminated face, we're glad to have it back.

As evidence of the snow earlier in the day, here's Wednesday's image, but with added snow.

I have three more work days before taking and extended Christmas break - three days to cram in all the things that I said would be done by the end of term.

the light ~ that shines ~ the brightest ~ is the one ~ that isn't lit

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