Day Off
We had a day off today - thanks to Bags (formally known as daughter) having a day off due to long hours for the last 3 days.
So SWMBO took herself off into town.
I took the oppertunity to carve the name into the trophy for the camera club and get to surfacce finish nearly completed.
It also meant I had free time to head out and get a gift for SWMBO. I had no idea what I was going to get her.
We have agreed to just a small gift for each other this year but it doesn't make it any easier to choose something.
However, something was chosen - and in the first shop I went to as well so that was a real plus as I didn't have to suffer the hoards of pond scum and their screaming, rude brats.
When I got home I realised I had not got birthday cards for a couple of friends - so I made a couple ....... selected some bits of scrap turning and went off and delivered them.
It meant I also got a coffee and a chat (I am not allowed coffee in the house).
The Wicked Witch is trying to make demands on SWMBO and her siblings as regards to visiting etc........refusing to travel up to see us from Berwick (it is too far) but wants us all to travel down to see her (6 families when children are counted in) - but it turns out she went up to Fife the other day to visit her boyfriends family.
She can whistle.
My father-in-law will be spinning in his grave.
Sick friend has had her medication upped again.
I can't see her making Christmas to be honest.
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