An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Abstract Dandelion!

Isn't it funny when things just appeal to you and you're not sure why?

So much to do today but when I saw how pleasant the weather was, I just had to take some time out and head outside for todays blip. Didn't take that many shots but did get some decent ones of the white heather, the recently chopped conifer and a foliage type plant (no idea what it's called!) But out of all that, it was this shot of a tiny little dandelion growing (of all places!) out of my driveway that captured my heart!

I got loads of clear macro shots of it but this one just appealed to me more than the rest. Not done anything to it, it's as it came out of the camera, but I guess I must have moved as I pressed the shutter (I was standing in a rather poorly balanced, inelegant pose to take it!) and this was the result. Anyhoo I like it and that's good enough for me! :-))

Had a meeting with a neuropsychologist this morning to discuss some of Alan's rigid behaviours around food. He won't eat breakfast or supper for anyone but me so you can imagine how tying that is. If I go out in the evening, it's with the knowledge that he will go to bed hungry. Now whilst my rational brain tells me that it's his choice (his dad would happily give him his supper) and one night without supper won't do him any harm, the motherly guilt that I feel kinda spoils my night!

Anyway, had a really long and interesting chat with her and whilst nothing will change overnight, I am looking forward to working with her and hearing her opinions and views. At last I feel we have found someone who really knows and understands our situation! :-))

D has now gone to meet with the Occupational Therapist to discuss the adaptations required in our new house to make it fully accessible for Alan. Hopefully this means we will be able to get the plans into the Planning Dept for approval and the work can commence asap after Christmas.

As for me, I'm still writing frigging Christmas cards!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thursday Blip Pals xxx

P.S. It's D's birthday tomorrow and his birthday pressie hasn't arrived!! F*ck Oh dear.

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