Old Couple

Some friends were getting Christmas cards made to sell and make some money for a local orphanage but there was a problem with the printer or something and they had to cancel everything.. A little sad but they'll try again later with another project. I had already gathered a long list of people to send cards to, so Terri and I did our own and I went to get them printed today. My favourite Blip on the front and a pic of us on the back.. Quite cool actually. I'll be up al night tonight writing cards and addressing envelopes.

Anyways, while I was waiting for the printing, cutting and folding, I wandered around the local area looking for pictures. I saw this old couple walking slowly down the street but couldn't get a picture of them.. I eventually spotted them sitting in the sun on a bench chatting away.

If you are inclined, view the large version and take a look at the lines on their faces.. Etched is the only word I can think of.

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