
....and I don't look a day over 499. And I'm on my way to work so can't even celebrate with you!

Having not had access to my bedroom studio (i.e. Opendoor went to bed to read his book, meaning I had to faff about in the living room), I spent most of this Blip getting frustrated with the lights and everything else really.

The result is a Blip which kind of sums up me as I am at the moment. Kind of a bit worn. Still trying to be creative and have some fun (with varying degrees of success). Wearing lots of make up to hiding what's really going on.

Thank you again to the many generous people who still stop by with wonderful witty and thoughtful comments. Always appreciated. Really and truly.

Many, many thanks to Blip Central for my fabulous new Nokia N8! Where is it by the way?

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