Sauerkraut Factory

Opened a new crock of sauerkraut today, and it is wonderful. Squeaky crunch and very tasty. So, on Wednesdays we make sauerkraut. It takes four weeks to ferment, so we don't do it every Wednesday, but almost. This is Roger's (my son) hands running the kraut board, or cabbage slicer. We've got it down to a science now, and can do about four large heads of cabbage, beginning to end, in less than a half hour. That includes shredding, salting and seasoning, packing it into the crock, tamping, and sealing the crock. And, it is soooo good! Much better than anything you can buy, and very good for you. It is considered one of the five healthiest foods in the world. And, besides that, I love it.

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