Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

5 Weeks

Rebecca at 5 weeks

She weighs 10lb 10oz. She's just above the 75th centile. In other words, she's putting on loads of weight!

She is smiling a lot, especially when you softly stroke her face. She also likes it when I sing to her.

She didn't cry once in her bath this evening, so it might be time to take her swimming!

She's decided that she wants to go to bed early at night. She was getting very overtired and cross, and calmed down when she was in our bedroom in the dark. So we've started putting her to bed around 7 or 8ish. It hasn't worked out that way every night, but most nights.

Elizabeth decided that she would try to pick Rebecca's nose today, because it was dirty. To be fair, I had cleared out Elizabeth's nose the same way the day before. Poor Rebecca had a red nose for a while afterwards. Elizabeth looked surprised when she started to cry!

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