A confused genius

By Lez11


Another weird day today. I had to explain why one of my projects is 10 months late because of Westminster city council and english heritage. I said if you let me shoot them it would solve all the problems, the job would get delivered but I'd probably get 15 years, but they excepted the 10 months delay. I will have to try that one again.

I watched captain america tonight, and it took me back to when i was younger and I read DC and Marvel comics, oh and I used to role play aswell. I would love to be a Superhero unfortunatly I don't know what super power I would have. At least I've got Facebook friends and people following me on twitter who are R.L.S.H (real life superheros). Closest I'll ever get to becoming a R.L.S.H apart from the time I was 14 and I saved my mates life. We were on a school outing in the Welsh valleys and he stepped in a bog (not a toilet) and started sinking. I dived on top and pulled him out, not thinking about my own safety. I thought I was a hero, but I never got the girl though

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