A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

'Tis the Season to be Naughty!

Today was Christmas Dinner for our members at work.Got some super pics of them pulling crackers,stuffing their faces,laughing and joking,bopping around, playing games and seemingly growing more and more innebriated on non alchoholic fruit juice which THEY thought was wine!(surely this is an illustration of placebo effect??)Unfortunately, due to rulings at work, I am unable to use any of them ,which is a shame, as some of them are priceless.
So, instead, you are getting a Blip of my 'alternative' pud, which was, I have to add, truly scrumptious!! Soooo, might as well go along with the general mood fo the day and warble in my best Christmas Carol singing voice:
''Tis the season to be naughty,yummy yummy yum, yum yum, yum yum!!"
I figure if everyone else can get tipsy on sparkling fruit juice, so can I!!

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