WARNING....not for the feint hearted ;0)
Evening all
Today Handsome Boy had the Dental Hospital, a cancellation came in and he wanted to get it all over and done with. He has too many teeth so 4 had to be removed to make room......I find it hard to believe there isn't any room.....I've seen what he can squeeze in there !!!!! ;0)
He got one to bring home for the Tooth Fairy......after seeing the tooth, one brave brave wee boy........we're still haggling over 'how much' the Tooth Fairy should be leaving later......Tooth Fairy needs to go to the bank on what Handsome boy is after !!! ;0)
A song for him lol ;0)
Thank you for all the comments on my blipday...very very much appreciated, was really chuffed to bits ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
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