
By LeeAnne

Meanwhile, in Toytown...

The shoppers were out in full force today... my best plan was to avoid, avoid, avoid!

I had the afternoon off since the boiler man was meant to come round. I could have cancelled but decided to have a sly afternoon to myself instead. I wandered through the cemetery and fed the squirrels then walked up to the Castle. I've lived here all my life and have never been in it. Till today! I made good use of my Historic Scotland membership, feels like you get something for nothing not having to pay an entrance fee. The views are spectacular. A look at the whole of Edinburgh from way high up. I loved that. It meant that I got to use the miniature effect thingy on my camera. I've not really been high up enough to use it before now. I tried from Berwick Law but I think my fear of not having a nice big wall round me was a factor then. I think the whole Winter Wonderland makes it really look like a toy town. I love it!

Better when it's BIGGER!

Now I'm home with bunny, have all the heaters available blasting cause let me tell you... it's baltic out there! I'm meant to be meeting a bunch of photographers in Costa tomorrow night to go for a wander round the markets but I'm not sure once I get home that I'm going to want to go out again... even though it's almost as cold indoors as it is out.

Bangers and mash with gravy and a movie for me now!

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